With getting your bad credit loan online, there is no collateral required regardless of your rating or history, and your ability to qualify for one of our online personal loans is based off of your ability to repay the loan! This lets us process your application and approve it in a matter or minutes so you can get your money ASAP. Bad Credit Loans. There are a variety of personal loans intended for borrowers with different needs. Maybe you want to buy a car, consolidate some debts, or even plan a wedding; ideally, your savings account would be able to cover for most of those situations, but life can take unexpected turns no matter how carefully we plan ahead. LoansUnder36 (Long Term Loans) Need a long term bad credit loan fast? LoansUnder36 can help with a $1000 -$50,000 personal installment loan TODAY! Borrow up to $50,000 with a choice of flexible repayment options; Interest rates starting at just 3.99%; 2 minute online application to see exactly how much you qualify for